Walking the Great Wall through a town 1

Todays picture is the same as yesterdays because internet stopped working last night before I was able to upload new pictures. There are 11 pictures in the queue now, which means I can walk eleven days before having to make and upload more pictures.

A girl at the reception had made a graphical weather forecast for the next three days, as I cannot read Chinese. Today has been very gray, but no rain. They expect a thunderstorm and plenty of rain tomorrow and rain again the day after. Sweet.

At Dingbian the Great Wall goes all the way up to the edge of the town. I found small remnants of it in three places after that and walked through the town. Dingbian is not very large.  It is in the middle of a transformation. Old buildings are being levelled with the ground. New and modern buildings are built big time. It was fun to see the old buildings in between. I think they often are far more charming than the new ones. Todays end point was by the southern edge of town. Unfortunately I lost the trail of the Great Wall because of the town and darkness. Will have to find it again tomorrow. It went southwards in Dingbian, but then heads east shortly afterwards. Should be easy enough to ask some locals about it.

I’m eagerly waiting to see what that thunderstorm plans on doing tomorrow…

8 kilometres today.

One thought on “Walking the Great Wall through a town

  • BeritT


    Har fulgt deg siden du startet turen (omtale i Aftenposten) og gleder meg over å lese dagens rapport og se bildene du legger ut!

    Til dagens bilde har jeg spørsmål, går du passgang eller er det stress med selvutløser som gir dette resultatet?

    Hvis du går sånn tror jeg du vil oppleve en bedring hvis du går slik som på ski. Håper du ikke tar det ille opp at jeg sier det :o)

    Fortsatt god tur og lykke til med prosjektet med støtte til kreftforskningen!

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