Custom built mosquitoe net 1

I have been working on pictures and washing clothes etc in Yinchuan. Today I went to the market and bought a large mosquitoe net. Then I went to a shop and asked if they could custom-make a net to wrap on the outside of my desert hat. The ten year old daughter was ordered to take me to a lady that could help.

We walked through a series of small alleys and by the time she rang a door bell, I had no idea where we were. The woman that let me in looked shocked to see a foreigner at her workshop. I explained what I wanted her to make for me. Slowly, and with a lot of help with theatrics and the little girl, she understood and made a mosquitoe ‘tube’ net that slips straight over the desert hat. In addition, she made two simple tubes that I can slip on my arms.

It is close to unbearable to walk for hour after hour being attacked by mosquitoes, so now I have an untested weapon to defend myself!

When the woman was finished, I asked how much she wanted for the work. She had spent at least an hour sewing for me. She said she didn’t want any money. I protested saying that this was, after all, her job. She still refused, but I took out money and put it on the workbench, before thanking her very much for the help and leaving.

The mosquitoe nets cost me RMB 50 (Kr 50 / $8) They are extremely light weight, and I can’t wait to test them    🙂

One thought on “Custom built mosquitoe net

  • chinoook

    I assume there are two locations you will need the mosqito nets: The last day at the Yellow River side and than again about a 100km down from there where the Wall cuts through some larger salt lakes. The worst mosqito time is behind you.


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