From the Hubba HP tent 4

We are in our tents now after about 20 km walking. It has been really hot today, so I’m drinking water now. Even took a salt tablet as I have been sweating a lot because of the cold I was blessed with yesterday.

There is a lot of agriculture here, and there have been people walking along almost the whole route today. When we had had enough for the day, we got off the main main road and looked around for a place to pitch our tents. Then we looked some more, and even more! All the land is used as farming land! In the end Jon found a small cluster of trees with some space between, and that is where we are now.

I have decided to try and shave some more weight off the rucksack. More about that when we get to Zhangye.

Yippeeee!!! Just felt the first cool breeze go through the tent, so hopefully it will be OK to sleep. Lying in my (very) lightweight underpants on top of the sleeping bag now.

Good night.

4 thoughts on “From the Hubba HP tent

  • Pappa Tor Løken

    Hi Robert and Jon,
    Great to talk to you just minutes after you had entered todays capture “From the Hubba HP tent” (whatever that means!). Technology really is amazing when you think that you can update the map and send out a message to us all from the middle of wilderness.
    Glad that you avoided the second night with desert storm and rain. It must be a draining experience to stay awake both day and night. Hope nature will be a bit kinder to you over the next days!

    Best wishes from
    Pappa Loken

  • Tor Tollnes

    Hei Robert!

    Artig å følge turen deres på denne måten! Er imponert over progresjonen, ser ut som dere er ganske i farta!

    Selv er jeg hjemme med forkjølelse (igjen) og er litt misunnelig 🙂


  • Fredrik

    Flott at du nå kan sitte i dit lightweigt telt, på din lightweigt sovepose og skrive rett in på hjemmesiden slik at jeg (som ikke er lightweigt…) kan fölge deg på turen!
    Fortsatt inget nytt ang våres visa 🙁

  • Rolv Thorstensen

    Gleder meg hver dag over å lese deres kommentarer til dagens hendelser.
    Jeg har selv opplevd å besøke Kina for ca 15 år siden og ble mektig imponert over hvordan kineserne benyttet hver eneste liten jordlapp til å dyrke grønnsaker av alle slag. Foruten å spasere en lang tur på muren i nærheten av Beijing opplevde jeg å plukke sopp, Shitake bl.a. og fikk se hvorden den ble dyrket. Vi var på tur med Norsk Soppforening. Vi overnattet ikke men hadde også gleden av å besøke et budhisttempel.
    Hilsen Rolv Thorstensen

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