Rain, snow and wind 1

Sunday 24th of October

I used a driver today who told me that a massive reservoir will be built here (near my end point yesterday) in 2-3 years time. His house will be submerged, as will his relatives and a few tens of thousands of other people’s homes. Asking him how he felt about this he seemed cheerful, so it looks like they are getting a good compensation for the move.

China is in great need of energy, so I can understand that they wish to make as much hydroelectric power as possible – being a very clean source of energy.

Pretty strong wind blowing from the north today. Then rain and then snow later on. I saw and photographed a couple of free standing watchtowers today.

Beautiful landscape, but pretty hard walking. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Walking these long distances makes me really tired. Funnily enough I physically feel like I could have gone on walking each day for another hour or two if it were not for the dark. But I’m tired between my ears. So will eat now, and then sleep.

41 kilometers today

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