Status week 4

The last two weeks have been long. Luckily not only in perceived time, but in the number of kilometres we have put behind us. We have still not been able to get a proper system up and running for displaying how far we have walked, but we have added a scale on the Great Wall Route showing lengths. Thanks for the hint John.
We have both managed to get new blisters the last two weeks. Jon is having some problems walking on too hard surfaces and I am trying to get familiar with the term “critical mass”. Above a certain weight I get a lot more blisters. Jon has bought a new pair of shoes in Zhangye and I am waiting for a pair that were sent from Norway more than a week ago.We are still in the early days of the walk and have luckily avoided overdoing things. Quite a few days we have taken refuge in a town.  I have walked for the day and then gone back to the town in the evening. This has been a good solution as I don’t have to carry a heavy rucksack on these days.We have activated the picture gallery, and hopefully once you install a Flash player, it should work well. Using the Norwegian SIM card on the mobile phone, the daily reports should become close to daily, so we hope you will have something new to read every day!

Many thanks for the messages and encouragement we have received on the website! We have started receiving some questions about the trip, and will try and answer them here soon.

. Hopefully, we will have sorted out our feet within the next two weeks. Our legs and muscles are fine with the walking, so if we can get our feet to stop producing new blisters every second day, things should get easier.It has been really great to be walking with my brother Jon and his great Chinese knowledge has given us an insight into the lives of many Chinese people. I want to learn some Chinese from him and hope to intensify the process the next two weeks when hopefully our feet won’t be craving too much attention.The next two weeks we should be seeing a lot more of the Great Wall than the previous two. That will hopefully mean that we will be walking more in the terrain and less on small roads.

When it comes to weight, I want to slim down my rucksack. The next couple of weeks I will leave the small rucksack with the laptop, several chargers, cables, extra GPS batteries, extra contact lenses ++ at the last hotel we stay at. This adds up to between 4 and 5 kilo’s and actually about 30% of the total weight of the rucksack. It means we won’t have the PC to update the website with, but we can update the site using the HTC S740! The only limitation will be the two batteries for the phone.

My dream for the last 22 years has been to walk the entire Great Wall. It has not been to inflict as much pain as possible in the process, so I’m looking forward to a lighter rucksack the next weeks 🙂