Status week 6

The last two weeks have been good. We have both taken advantage of the new and larger shoes we received in Zhangye. Apart from the last two days, I have hardly had any blisters at all.In the last status report, I wrote about ‘critical mass’ being a factor for our blisters. After walking faster than normal the last two days, I see that this also gives me blisters. So – time to go back to the ordinary pace.I feel that things are starting to fall into place now with regard to walking the next ten months in China by myself. My brother has taught me enough Chinese so that I can get where I want on a bus, get a room with internet connection and a decent meal. I can also ask how far it is to the closest shop or water supply while walking along the Great Wall.The routine of writing a report every evening, uploading pictures and entering a new position every evening is working well. The picture gallery is up and running now too. . Jon and I will be walking an interesting part of the Great Wall the next two weeks.  We will soon be exiting the Hexi Corridor that we have followed since Jiayuguan. I can’t wait to see the sand dunes of the Tengger Desert the next couple of days.The next two weeks will be the last that Jon and I spend together on this trip. It will be really sad to see him leave and ‘suddenly’ be all by myself. But I am ready to face this country alone. Hopefully the culture shock is soon over. Or perhaps it won’t begin properly before I am completely alone? Time will tell.Within the next two weeks, I hope to have the sponsorship page up too! We are working on a test version now and it should make it easier for you readers to sponsor this walk by donating money to cancer research.