Monthly Archives: November 2009

A very wet night and day 5

About three o’clock this morning, a thunderstorm passed by. I woke and started counting seconds. The closest strike was about three seconds, or a kilometre, away and the following roar resonated in my chest. There was some anxiety from that moment and the remainder of the night and today. Andreas […]

First day with new boots

I started at about two o’clock this afternoon. It was nice and warm, but now – an hour after the sun has gone down – it is cold. In fact today was the first day I took off my shirt and walked without anything on my upper body. It was […]

In Beijing 1

Yesterday I first visited Pingping and Kelly and had a great meal together with them. I also got the chance to try the boots my parents sent from Norway, and they fit!! I was so excited before trying them, fearing that size 47 was not enough and that I needed […]