Tired 1

I’m sitting by the Great Wall now, looking to the South from a fairly high vantage point, I can see the tops of a lot of smaller hills in the distance.

The corn on the cob is ready to be harvested and the long leaves on the plants are dry. They make a pretty loud noise as the wind blows through them. It’s a pleasant soothing noise though.

Today has been a long day, and I am tired. As soon as the sun hides behind a higher hill to the West I will set up the tent. Autumn is definitely here. It gets pleasantly cool at night, but during the day the sun still does a good job of warming up this place.

I am not quite sure how to get past the mountains to the North and East. Following the Great Wall is out of the question as the mountains are very high and steep. Will get close to them tomorrow and then make a decision.

25 kilometers today

One thought on “Tired

  • Kim

    That is without doubt the most difficult in this part of Hebei, so it would be very unwise to even attempt to climb it alone or without any kind of rope for safety.

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