Short report 1

Things have been slow here lately. I have had a cold that was particularly bad in the mornings. The prospect of waking up in the tent in minus 15-20C with thisĀ  cold was not very compelling. I feel better now though, so I plan to leave shortly.

Lately I have also written a couple of articles about the walk that I hope will be published.

One thought on “Short report

  • Mongolian doctor

    Hi Robert, if you cough without yellow sputum, running clear nose, feel uncomfortably cold in your back, or even feel pain with your bones, you can find a place to cook some ‘ginger soup with brown suger plus two or three chunks of leek stalk (white part)’, drink once or twice. After drinking it, burrow into feather or cotton piles, perspire, then the cold will go. The earlier drink it the better, since coldness sometimes, will worsen, when you cough with yellow sputum, ‘the ginger soup’ doesn’t work, you’ll have to see the ‘professional doctor’.
    Also, rub or press the crook of both arms, esp. the upper part, make the crook hot, can help release cold from lung.
    And a secret recipe: ‘talk’ to you knee, believe it or not, this is magical.

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