Monthly Archives: January 2010

Slippery roads to Datong 1

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BROTHER JON   🙂 Got up early and took three buses to get to Datong. In Pinglu there was a three hour wait.  I got in touch with the owner of the bus which goes  daily to Datong. He was a very nice guy and rescued me from […]

Cold night

— Written the 9th of January The night was cold. On my upper body I wore two layers of wool and a fleece. My legs had one layer of wool and fleece. On my head I had a cashmere woolen hat, and my neck was protected with a double fleece. […]

Icy beard

Started walking at eight o’clock following the Great wall of China. Pretty quickly I had to make some serious decisions on whether to walk long detours or take calculated risks. The worst was when I had walked a long way in fields and got to a valley. The only way […]

Interview on Hequ TV

The morning started with an interview for the Hequ TV station. The reporter came at nine, and by ten o’clock we were finished. That’s the most effective interview so far! My Chinese is pretty basic.  After the interview I thought it a good idea to practice how to answer the […]