In limbo with regards to visa running out 3

There was continuous snow all day yesterday. Andreas and I spread our equipment out to dry and had a couple of good meals together. He has a lot of knowledge and love for Chinese food. Later we spent some time looking at Google Earth, talking about the route for my walk over the next month or two, and then Andreas made some GPS points for the walk he is doing soon to explore more Great Wall in western Ningxia.

Andreas was going to set off to Yinchuan – the capital of Ningxia – early this morning, but because of all the snow yesterday it looks like the bus station is going to be closed all day long. So he will have to postpone till tomorrow.

I am in limbo now. Have to either try to get a one month extension of my existing visa here in Yulin, or go to Datong to get the warm sleeping bag, and then go abroad for a few days to get the extension there. By this evening I hope to have settled for one of the two options.

3 thoughts on “In limbo with regards to visa running out

  • Randi Karen Solerød

    Lykke til, samme hva du bestemmer deg for! Å oppfylle drømmen om å gå langs “Den kinesiske mur” er ikke alle forunt. Du “går” for flere, også det å ta vare på minnene samlet så langt og skrive om dem, og for å sitere den gamle norske fjellreglen “det er ingen skam å snu”.

  • Robert

    Sue – Yes – there was a big storm. Luckily not so much snow where Andreas and I were walking at the time.
    Randi – Takk for fine ord Karen! Skal huske på det når jeg straks går videre nå 🙂

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